VORBESTELLUNG ! McFarlane Toys Game of Thrones Joffrey Baratheon Collector Box
Reveal the treasures within the Game of Thrones Joffrey Baratheon Collector Box! Based on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, this collector box includes a 2-inch tall mini-figure, 4 1/2-inch tall character bust, coin, House Family Tree, collector card with certificate of authenticity, and bookmark with a House Crest. Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and marvel at the treasures within. The sealed box packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Viserys Targaryen Collector Box
Reveal the treasures within the House of the Dragon Viserys Targaryen Collector Box! Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon, this collector box includes a 2-inch tall mini-figure, 4 1/2-inch tall character bust, coin, House Family Tree, collector card with certificate of authenticity, and bookmark with a House Crest. Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and marvel at the treasures within. The sealed box packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment! The grandson of the Old King Jaehaerys. Viserys Targaryen was ultimately chosen by the lords of Westeros over his cousin Princess Rhaenys Targaryen to rule. He was the fifth ruler of the Targaryen dynasty. A level-headed decision maker, his reign was peaceful, though not without its challenges. He has one daughter, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, with Queen Aemma Arryn. Upon Aemma's death, Viseys married Alicent Hightower. The two had several children, the oldest of whom was a son, Aegon Targaryen. Although he had named Rhaenyra his heir, the birth of Aegon created conflict over the question of Viserys' succession. After many years of declining health, he died in his chambers, unable to broker peace between his family members prior to his passing.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Ser Criston Cole Collector Box
Reveal the treasures within the House of the Dragon Ser Criston Cole Collector Box! Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon, this collector box includes a 2-inch tall mini-figure, 4 1/2-inch tall character bust, coin, House Family Tree, collector card with certificate of authenticity, and bookmark with a House Crest. Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and marvel at the treasures within. The sealed box packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment! Common-born and the son of the steward to the Lord of Blackhaven, Ser Criston Cole is a skilled knight of Dornish descent. Noble in demeanor, his prowess in battle is unmatched even by Princess Daemon. When Ser Harrold Westerling was named the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Rhaenyra selected Cole to be added to the Kingsguard. However, his allegiance soon changed and he became the sworn protector of the Queen Alicent. When the Hightowers moved to place Aegon on the Iron Throne and Ser Harold defected, Cole was named Lord Commander.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Alicent Hightower Collector Box
Reveal the treasures within the House of the Dragon Alicent Hightower Collector Box! Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon, this collector box includes a 2-inch tall mini-figure, 4 1/2-inch tall character bust, coin, House Family Tree, collector card with certificate of authenticity, and bookmark with a House Crest. Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and marvel at the treasures within. The sealed box packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment! The daughter of Otto Hightower, Queen Alicent Hightower was married to King Viserys after the death of his first wife, until his passing. Together they have multiple children, the oldest being a son, Aegon Targaryen. She maintains a fierce allegiance to her house and family, sourcing her once strong childhood friendship with Princess Rhaenyra. Their rift spilled over into their children as well threatening the stability of the realm. In their final moments together, Alicent thought she heard the king whisper that their son Aegon was his chosen heir, not Rhaenyra. Bolstered by this belief, and under her father's advisement, Queen Alicent aligned with her so-called "Green Council" to crown Aego the next king of the Westeros.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
McFarlane Toys Game of Thrones Jon Snow Collector Box
Jon Snow, born Aegon Targaryen, is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, the late Prince of Dragonstone. A decorated individual Jon has been chosen Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and helped lead a successful raid in overtaking Winterfell from House Bolton restoring House Stark's reign over the North, in which Jon was proclaimed "King of the North."Includes 2 in Mini Figure, 4.5 in Character Bust, Coin, House Family Tree, Collector Card with Certificate of Authenticity and bookmark with House Crest .Based on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones.Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and reveal the treasures within. Sealed Box Packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment.Collect all House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones collector boxes. Jon Snow, geboren als Aegon Targaryen, ist der Sohn von Lyanna Stark und Rhaegar Targaryen, dem verstorbenen Fürsten von Drachenstein. Der hochdekorierte Jon wurde zum Oberbefehlshaber der Nachtwache ernannt und half bei der erfolgreichen Eroberung von Winterfell durch das Haus Bolton, wodurch die Herrschaft des Hauses Stark über den Norden wiederhergestellt und Jon zum "König des Nordens" ernannt wurde.Enthält eine 5 cm Mini-Figur, eine 11,5 cm Charakterbüste, eine Münze, einen Stammbaum des Hauses, eine Sammlerkarte mit Echtheitszertifikat und ein Lesezeichen mit dem Wappen des Hauses.Basierend auf der erfolgreichen HBO-Serie Game of Thrones.Tauchen Sie ein in die Aura des Adels, wenn Sie das Siegel brechen und die Schätze darin enthüllen. Die versiegelte Verpackung verleiht jedem Moment einen unvergleichlichen Hauch von Erhabenheit.Sammle alle House of the Dragon und Game of Thrones Sammlerboxen!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Rhaenys Targaryen Collector Box
The granddaughter of King Jaehaerys Targaryen, Princess Rhaenys was once a possible contender for the Iron Throne. However, the lords of Westeros overlooked her claim in favor of her male first cousin, Viserys. She later wed the powerful Lord Corlys Velaryon, and mothered two children, Laena and Laenor. Whispers in the kingdom call her "The Queen Who Never Was." During Aegon's corronation, Rhaenys escaped on Meleys and shared the news of Viserys' passing with Rhaenyra and Daemon.Includes 2 in Mini Figure, 4.5 in Character Bust, Coin, House Family Tree, Collector Card with Certificate of Authenticity and bookmark with House Crest.Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon.Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and reveal the treasures within. Sealed Box Packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment.Collect all House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones collector boxes. Prinzessin Rhaenys, die Enkelin von König Jaehaerys Targaryen, war einst eine mögliche Anwärterin auf den Eisernen Thron. Die Lords von Westeros übersahen jedoch ihren Anspruch zugunsten ihres männlichen Cousins ersten Grades, Viserys. Später heiratete sie den mächtigen Lord Corlys Velaryon und brachte zwei Kinder zur Welt, Laena und Laenor. Im Königreich nennt man sie flüsternd "Die Königin, die nie war". Während Aegons Krönung entkam Rhaenys auf Meleys und teilte Rhaenyra und Daemon die Nachricht von Viserys' Tod mit.Enthält eine 5 cm Mini-Figur, eine 11,5 cm Charakterbüste, eine Münze, einen Stammbaum des Hauses, eine Sammlerkarte mit Echtheitszertifikat und ein Lesezeichen mit dem Wappen des Hauses.Basierend auf der erfolgreichen HBO-Serie House of the Dragon.Tauchen Sie ein in die Aura des Adels, wenn Sie das Siegel brechen und die Schätze darin enthüllen. Die versiegelte Verpackung verleiht jedem Momenteinen unvergleichlichen Hauch von Erhabenheit.Sammle alle House of the Dragon und Game of Thrones Sammlerboxen!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Rhaenyra Targaryen Collector Box
Rhaenyra Targaryen is the firstborn daughter of King Viserys Targaryen and Queen Aemma Arryn. As a strong-willed and independent young woman, her father named her heir to the Iron throne.From her first marriage to Ser Laenor Velaryon, she has three sons: Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey. She shared a close bond with her sworn protector Ser Harwin Strong, but despite there being speculation around her children's legitimacy, Rhaenyra maintained that Laenor was their father. To strengthen her family's claim, Rhaenyra married her uncle Daemon. Together they have two children of their own, Aegon and Viserys. Following her father's death, Rhaenyra must defend her claim to the Iron Throne and rally support in the realm."Includes 2in Mini Figure, 4.5 in Character Bust, Coin, House Family Tree, Collector Card with Certificate of Authenticity and bookmark with House Crest.Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon.Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and reveal the treasures within. Sealed Box Packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment.Collect all House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones collector boxes! Rhaenyra Targaryen ist die erstgeborene Tochter von König Viserys Targaryen und Königin Aemma Arryn. Als willensstarke und unabhängige junge Frau ernannte ihr Vater sie zur Erbin des Eisernen Throns.Aus ihrer ersten Ehe mit Ser Laenor Velaryon hat sie drei Söhne: Jacaerys, Lucerys und Joffrey. Mit ihrem eingeschworenen Beschützer Ser Harwin Strong verband sie eine enge Beziehung, doch obwohl es Spekulationen über die Legitimität ihrer Kinder gab, beharrte Rhaenyra darauf, dass Laenor ihr Vater war. Um den Anspruch ihrer Familie zu stärken, heiratete Rhaenyra ihren Onkel Daemon. Zusammen haben sie zwei eigene Kinder, Aegon und Viserys. Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters muss Rhaenyra ihren Anspruch auf den Eisernen Thron verteidigen und um Unterstützung im Reich werben."Enthält eine 5 cm Mini-Figur, eine 11,5 cm Charakterbüste, eine Münze, einen Stammbaum des Hauses, eine Sammlerkarte mit Echtheitszertifikat und ein Lesezeichen mit dem Wappen des Hauses.Basierend auf der erfolgreichen HBO-Serie House of the Dragon.Tauchen Sie ein in die Aura des Adels, wenn Sie das Siegel brechen und die Schätze darin enthüllen. Die versiegelte Verpackung verleiht jedem Moment einen unvergleichlichen Hauch von Erhabenheit.Sammle alle House of the Dragon und Game of Thrones Sammlerboxen.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Daemon Targaryen Collector Box
The younger brother of King Viserys Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen is a fierce, albeit unpredictable warrior. He is no stranger to ruffling feathers, particularly those of his brother. His bravery and sword fighting skill played a pivital role in the War of the Stepstones. Upon the death of his wife, Rhea Royce, Daemon married Laena Velaryon. Together, they had two daughters, Baela and Rhaena. In an effort to strengthen their house and Rhaenyra's claim to the Iron Throne, Daemon and his niece entered into marriage and have two children of their own, Aegon and Viserys.Includes 2 in Mini Figure, 4.5 in Character Bust, Coin, House Family Tree, Collector Card with Certificate of Authenticity and bookmark with HouseCrest .Based on the hit HBO series House of the Dragon.Immerse yourself in the aura of nobility as you break the seal and reveal the treasures within. Sealed Box Packaging adds an unparalleled touch of grandeur to every moment.Collect all House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones collector boxes! Daemon Targaryen, der jüngere Bruder von König Viserys Targaryen, ist ein wilder, wenn auch unberechenbarer Krieger. Ihm ist es nicht fremd, Federn zu lassen, insbesondere die seines Bruders. Seine Tapferkeit und seine Fähigkeiten im Schwertkampf spielten eine entscheidende Rolle im Krieg der Stufensteine. Nach dem Tod seiner Frau, Rhea Royce, heiratete Daemon Laena Velaryon. Gemeinsam hatten sie zwei Töchter, Baela und Rhaena. In dem Bemühen, ihr Haus und Rhaenyras Anspruch auf den Eisernen Thron zu stärken, heirateten Daemon und seine Nichte und bekamen zwei eigene Kinder, Aegon und Viserys.Enthält eine 5 cm Mini-Figur, eine 11,5 cm Charakterbüste, eine Münze, einen Stammbaum des Hauses, eine Sammlerkarte mit Echtheitszertifikat und ein Lesezeichen mit dem Wappen des Hauses.Basierend auf der erfolgreichen HBO-Serie House of the Dragon.Tauchen Sie ein in die Aura des Adels, wenn Sie das Siegel brechen und die Schätze darin enthüllen. Die versiegelte Verpackung verleiht jedem Moment einen unvergleichlichen Hauch von Erhabenheit.Sammle alle House of the Dragon und Game of Thrones Sammlerboxen!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
47,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Wave 2 Meleys Dragon Statue
From the hit HBO Max series, House of the Dragon, comes Princess Rhaenyrs Targaryen's dragon, Meleys. Incredibly detailed, this House of the Dragon Wave 2 Meleys Dragon Statue measures approximately 9-inches tall x 9-inches wide. Meleys comes with a sculpted base, large attachable wings, and an art card with character biography. The dragon is showcased in window box packaging.Meleys, nicknamed the Red Queen, a she-dragon ridden by Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Covered in scarlet scales, she has accents of bright copper. It is her unique coloring for which she received her nickname. In her youth, she is said to have outpaced even Caraxes and Vhagar.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
69,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! House of the Dragon Gallery Daemon Targaryen Statue
A Diamond Select Toys release! Let the battle commence! The prince of Westeros, brother to the king, and rider of Caraxes, Daemon Targaryen is the first Gallery Diorama based on House of the Dragon! Measuring approximately 11 inches tall, this PVC statue of Daemon in his full armor is nothing short of magnificent, with his shield in hand and his sword Dark Sister at the ready. It comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Nelson X Asencio, sculpted by Rocco Tartamella!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
89,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! Game of Thrones Gallery Daenerys Targaryen Statue
All hail the Mother of Dragons! Daenerys Targaryen stands surrounded by her three young dragons, in this statue based on Game of Thrones!Measuring approximately 9 1/2-inches tall, this statue of Dany features detailed sculpting and paint applications.The Game of Thrones Gallery Daenerys Targaryen Statue comes packaged in a full-color window box.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
89,99 €*
VORBESTELLUNG ! Game of Thrones Legends in 3D Drogon Resin 1:2 Scale Büste
Drakkaris! Some of the most memorable characters in the Game of Thrones TV series were the dragons, and now one of the most famous dragons is a Legends in 3D bust! Drogon, the main mount of Daenerys Targaryen, measures approximately 12-inches tall and sits atop a dragon's egg pedestal. Limited to 1,000 pieces, the Game of Thrones Legends in 3D Drogon Resin 1:2 Scale Bust comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity in a full-color box.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
349,99 €*
A Diamond Select Toys release! DST returns to the world of Game of Thrones with an all-new Gallery Diorama of Tyrion Lannister! The former Hand of the King holds a torch aloft in the dragonpit, standing near a massive dragon shackle. Measuring approximately 9 inches tall, this sculpture is made of high-quality PVC and features detailed sculpting and paint applications. Designed by Nelson X. Asencio, sculpted by Ed Trujillo!Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
69,99 €*
A Diamond Select Toys release! It's an all-new product line from Diamond Select Toys, based on the hit HBO series Game Of Thrones! In this inaugural sculpture, Jon Snow crouches, sword at the ready, as his injured direwolf Ghost looks on. Both are in their Season 8 appearances, and this piece measures 10 inches to the tip of Jon's sword. It comes packaged in a full-color window box. Designed by Nelson X. Asencio, sculpted by Ed Trujillo.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
84,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Wave 1 Syrax Statue
From the hit HBO Max series, House of the Dragon, comes Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's dragon, Syrax. Incredibly detailed, this House of the Dragon Wave 1 Syrax Statue measures approximately 6 1/2-inches tall. Syrax includes a House of the Dragon sculpted base and attachable wings. The dragon is showcased in window box packaging.Princess Rhaenyra became a dragonrider at the age of seven, bonding closely with the golden Syrax, so named after a goddess of old Valyria. Though not the biggest of the Targaryen dragons, Syrax is fast enough to race Daemon Targaryen's dragon, Caraxes, to Dragonstone and back.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
54,99 €*
McFarlane Toys House of the Dragon Wave 1 Caraxes Statue
From the hit HBO Max series, House of the Dragon, comes Daemon Targaryen's dragon, Caraxes. Incredibly detailed, this House of the Dragon Wave 1 Caraxes Statue measures approximately 8-inches tall. Caraxes includes a House of the Dragon sculpted base and attachable wings. The dragon is showcased in window box packaging.Fiercest of all the young dragons in the Dragonpit, Caraxes was once the mount of Prince Aemon Targaryen, son of Jaeherys and uncle to both Daemon and Viserys I. Nicknamed the Blood Wyrm for both his color and his brutal tendencies, he became Daemon's mount by the year 105 AC. Caraxes is savage, cunning, battle-tested, and has a noticeable appetite.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
54,99 €*
Game of Thrones MC-045 Eiserner Thron (Iron Throne) 41 cm Master Craft Statue
"When You Play The Game Of Thrones, You Win Or You Die. There Is No Middle Ground."The cult classic, Game Of Thrones was one of the most well-received fantasy series in television history. Bringing to life the epic fantasy novels of 'A Song of Ice and Fire', the wildly popular books written by George R.R. Martin, the grand story is one of power struggles, warring disputes amongst families and epic battles from the depths of the seven kingdoms! Deep within all the angst and larger-than-life action stands the 'Iron Throne', a symbol of power, authority and the quest for ultimate domination! Representing the difficulty of ruling, and the brutality of controlling power, according to legend, 'Aegon the Conqueror' built the Throne out of the swords of his conquered enemies because he didn't think that a king should rest easily! Taking 59 whole days to complete, the Throne became a symbol of the entire story and has become arguably the most well-known throne in pop-culture history!Beast Kingdom's 'Entertainment Experience Brand' takes the challenge of bringing to life such an iconic and striking symbol with the release of the MC-045 Game Of Thrones iron Throne under the Master Craft range of hand-sculpted and painted master pieces. The level of detail on display for the unique spikes, barbs and swords is exceptional. Using aging effects in the paint process allows the accuracy in the rust to really shine through. This Master Craft iron Throne is limited to 3,000 pieces worldwide. Be sure to quickly grab this before they are sold out!Product Size: 33,5 x 34,5 x 41 cmLimited Edition of 3000 pcs worldwide.Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
399,99 €*
From Factory Entertainment. Rule the Iron Throne with a tiara dainty in appearance, but heavy in symbolism, The Crown Of Cersei Lannister Prop Replica. Cersei's silver and gold crown symbolizes her loneliness and divisions in her family on her journey to rule on her own terms. According to the designer of the original prop, the center of the crown is the lion sigil abstracted; - its mane represents the Iron Throne, once a desire, now her prize. Each replica is crafted from solid metal and features lustrous golden accents. The collectible includes an iron sword motif display stand that allows the replica to rest on the hilts of 4 swords. Each piece includes an individually numbered plaque medallion cast in metal and is presented in a full color box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
199,99 €*
From Funko. The Stark sisters are ready to do battle for their family as Rock Candy figures. Lady Sansa and Arya might have very different personalities but that won't stop them from fighting together for the House of Stark. Each Rock Candy figure stands about 4.5" Tall and comes in a window box for display. Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
11,99 €*
These highly detailed, hand-painted sculptures bring to life Daenerys Targaryen's baby dragons, as seen on HBO's blockbuster fantasy series, Game of Thrones. Choose from Rhaegal, Drogon, or Viserion. Each statue stands approximately 4 1/2" tall. Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
49,99 €*
You may not be the "Mother of Dragons", but you can feel like a serious collector with this Game of Thrones Dragon Eggs Prop Replica Set in wooden box. This unique set consists of three small resin replicas of the eggs (Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon) used on the actual Game of Thrones set. The exquisitely detailed eggs fit back into their satin-lined, hand-crafted wooden case, and can be latched safely away. The eggs each measure 3" tall x 2" wide, the box measures 9 3/4" wide x 5" deep x 4" long - together they weigh over 2 pounds! Made in the USA.Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!
169,99 €*